Gwyn Williams Bursary Fund

The Bursary Fund has been set up by Stephannie Williams,  the widow of Gwyn Williams,  dedicated to her husband’s memory and his legacy of profound viola music accomplishment.

Gwyn joined the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) in 1965 under Hugo Rignold followed by Louis Fremaux and was later appointed principal viola by Sir Simon Rattle.

The Fund supports talented young violists at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

Gwyn Williams Bursary Concert 

Holy Trinity Church, Stratford - upon Avon

Saturday 23rd November 7.30 pm

Celebrity Piano Recital by Mark Bebbington

Programme to include

Cesar Franck, Poulenc, John Ireland, Liszt

Guest appearance of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire viola student Jinhe Huang performing Rebecca Clarke’s ‘Morpheus’.

Generously supported by the John Ireland Trust.

Tickets £15 , students £5 available from, tel: 01789 294200 or 07768 266649 or on the door.