A unique and comprehensive archive of material relating to Lionel Tertis and the viola is now accessible to researchers at Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London. It was the treasured collection of the late John White, former President of the BVS.
This archive will appeal not only to viola enthusiasts but to instrument makers and musicologists. John would have been delighted that all this material has been kept together and has been added to Lillian Tertis’ small collection. His wish was that it should be appreciated by, and available to, researchers for years to come.
The Tertis-White Collection is described on the Archives Hub, and the music is catalogued at item level on the Jerwood Library catalogue. Researchers are welcome; contact the library on jlpa@trinitylaban.ac.uk to make an appointment.
“The first great virtuoso of the viola” an exhibition on Lionel Tertis was open to the public during March 2017.
Carol White, John’s widow, writes about the collection HERE