Diana Ambache (left) first discovered an unknown Piano Concerto by Germaine Tailleferre in 1985. Since then she has a been researching, performing, recording and publicising music by women.
Culminating in a quarter of a century of exploring and performing this work, she has created the ‘Women of Note’ web site, to share her discoveries and encourage others to find out about this music. repertoire by women composers.
Click the link to enter the website http://www.womenofnote.co.uk/
For the string lists and more string repertoire, click anywhere on the ‘Home’ page to find the ‘Contents’ section of the site. Click on ‘Repertoire’. Choose your preferred instrument/group and you will find the viola list.
The Ambache Charitable Trust, founded in 2013 is devoted to raising the profile of women composers, and makes grants to projects which bring this music to the widest possible audience, see ambachecharitabletrust.org.